Monday, January 30, 2012

takes me back..

One of the things that gets me feeling most nostalgic about South America - aside from sunshine - is maracuya. I've been finding it, on occasion, at my local New Seasons. Although it's $12.99/lb (cough, cough), the secret is that the more decrepit looking and light in weight this little guy gets, the better! Everyone seems to be buying them when they are purple and weigh as much as an orange. Not me. I wait until I see the last strangler from across the produce department, looking like something rescued out of the compost. As I swoop it up, I laugh under my breath thinking how everyone else passed this up! I mix the gooey black-seeded and pulpy innards with a mango in the blender - and YUM. Used to live on the stuff.

Friday, January 27, 2012


I have started knitting, somewhat successfully. I am about to start Kumihimo as well. It's a Japanese style of braiding. I'm very excited! 

        Doesn't this look fun?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

potato-ey clouds of goodness

I never eat a proper lunch. In fact, I'm lucky if I make it through midday having eaten a few almonds and a piece of fruit. But today I wanted to treat myself. When I don't have anything left in the fridge but some potatoes and a few other veggies - this is my favorite thing to make. The gnocchi recipe from Balthazar in New York City is killer. These little pillows are more like eating delicious potato clouds than traditional pasta. If you don't have the cookbook, I definitely recommend!

path to self-fulfillment

Path to Self-Fulfillment:
Guiding Principles:
  1. Create everyday
  2. Explore everyday
  3. Celebrate everyday
Art vs. Craft vs. Crap - It doesn't matter. I vow to create, explore and celebrate the following:
  • knitting
  • photography
  • textiles
  • graphic design
  • writing
  • illustration
  • metalwork/jewelry
  • cooking
  • floral/plants
  • letterpress/printmaking

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Giuseppe (pictured above, left) introduced me to the work of Francesca Woodman (pictured above, right) when I met him in Rome this past year. Forever young, Francesca died at 22, and her images evoke a sense of curiosity and impermanence in me that I had never experienced before knowing her work. 

Monday, January 23, 2012


Self-portrait, 2008

outra vida

I'm not entirely sure of the reason for posting these photos. They are just more or less where my mind is today. From my travels in October, 2010...
Lisbon, Portugal

Feira da Ladra or "Thieve's Market